Metro Plus News New Zealand climate plan includes relocating some homes

New Zealand climate plan includes relocating some homes

New Zealand’s government on Wednesday released its first-ever climate adaptation plan, which includes the possibility of moving some communities to higher ground.
But the six-year plan, which runs nearly 200 pages, comes up short on some important details, including how much the changes will cost and who will pay.
Climate Change Minister James Shaw told reporters that about 70,000 coastal homes in New Zealand were at risk from rising seas, and many more inland homes were at risk from flooding rivers. He said New Zealand had been slow to adapt to climate change, which would end up costing more money over time.

Trump defends push to restrict abortion rights after rebukeTrump defends push to restrict abortion rights after rebuke

Donald Trump, stinging from a <a href=”″>rebuke by the nation’s leading anti-abortion group</a>, used a speech Saturday before influential evangelicals in Iowa to spotlight his actions as president to try