Metro Plus News U.N. troop rotations in Mali to resume on Monday

U.N. troop rotations in Mali to resume on Monday

Troop rotations by the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Mali will resume on Monday, a mission spokesperson said on Saturday, one month after Malian
authorities suspended them and accused foreign soldiers of entering the country without permission.
Mali’s ruling junta suspended troop rotations for the nearly 12,000-strong mission on July 14 after arresting 49 soldiers from Ivory Coast who it said had arrived in the country without permission. Ivory Coast denied this.
It said they would resume following discussions with representatives from the mission, known as MINUSMA, about how to coordinate troop deployments.
The July arrests highlighted friction between the junta, which seized power in an August 2020 coup, and international partners, who have criticised election delays and security cooperation with Russian mercenaries.