Metro Plus News South Korea, U.S. begin military drills amid North Korea backlash

South Korea, U.S. begin military drills amid North Korea backlash

South Korea and the United States began their annual joint military drills on Monday with a resumption of field training, officials said, as the allies seek
to tighten readiness posture over North Korea’s potential weapons tests.
The summertime exercises, renamed Ulchi Freedom Shield this year and scheduled to end on Sept. 1, came after South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol, who took office in May, vowed to “normalise” the combined exercises and boost deterrence against the North.
The drills were scaled back in recent years because of COVID-19 and as Yoon’s predecessor sought to restart talks with Pyongyang, which has called the exercises a rehearsal for invasion.
North Korea fired two cruise missiles from the west coast town of Onchon last week, after South Korea and the United States kicked off preliminary training for the exercises.