Metro Plus News Militants kill 6 in attack on convoy from Burkina Faso gold mine

Militants kill 6 in attack on convoy from Burkina Faso gold mine

Unidentified gunmen killed six people and wounded two others in an attack on a convoy from the Boungou gold mine in eastern Burkina Faso, the army said on Saturday.
Last week, five vehicles were dispatched from the mine, which is owned by Toronto-listed Endeavour Mining, to help a nearby convoy that had been stuck in the mud for days, the army statement said.
The attack occurred after the convoy was back on the road again. The assailants targeted the five support vehicles when they become separated from the convoy and its security detail.
Endeavour, the biggest gold miner in the West African country, declined to comment.
Two sources in the Burkinabe mining sector with knowledge of the attack said the dead were not Endeavour employees but locals who supplied goods to the mine.