Metro Plus News Brazilian anti-corruption crusader backs Bolsonaro 2022 re-election

Brazilian anti-corruption crusader backs Bolsonaro 2022 re-election

Brazilian electoral authorities on Saturday morning carried out a search and seizure warrant at the home of Sergio Moro, a former judge who led one of Brazil’s biggest corruption probes, a former justice minister and current Senate candidate.
This is the first time that Moro, who made his name leading the massive “Car Wash” corruption probe that jailed some of Brazil’s political and business elite, including current presidential front-runner Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has been targeted by electoral authorities.
The court order, to which Reuters had access, is in response to a request by Lula’s Workers’ Party (PT) lawyers, who argued there were irregularities in Moro’s campaign material.
In a statement, Moro’s lawyers confirmed the search warrant, but denied any wrongdoing on his behalf, calling the PT’s request an “aggressive initiative.”