Metro Plus News France: No nation can stay ‘indifferent’ on Ukraine war

France: No nation can stay ‘indifferent’ on Ukraine war

French President Emanuel Macron admonished countries Tuesday not to stay neutral about condemning Russia’s war in Ukraine as he declared that Moscow’s invasion amounts to a new form of imperialism.
Speaking to the U.N. General Assembly gathering of world leaders, Macron also insisted that any negotiation to end the more than six-month-old war can succeed only “if Ukraine’s sovereignty is respected, its territory liberated and its security protected.”
The war in Ukraine — and its effects on food prices, fuel costs, Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and the larger context of tensions between Russia and the West — is looming over the annual gathering of presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and other dignitaries. Neither Russia nor Ukraine has yet had its turn to speak during the nearly weeklong series of speeches.
Macron made the war the centerpiece of his speech, arguing that the conflict threatens to usher in a world where “the security and sovereignty of everyone no longer depends on a balance of strength, on the strength of alliances, but rather that of armed groups and militias.”
Speaking before him were leaders from Africa who said they do not want their continent to be “the breeding ground of a new Cold War” as nations pressure countries around the world take sides in the conflict.