Metro Plus News Scores detained after police clash with people opposed to mobilisation

Scores detained after police clash with people opposed to mobilisation

At least 100 people were detained at a protest opposing the mobilisation in the southern Russian region of Dagestan, underscoring the anger with President
Vladimir Putin’s order to send hundreds of thousands more people to fight in Ukraine.
Russia’s first military mobilisation since World War Two, announced by Putin on Wednesday, has triggered protests in dozens of cities across the country. Public anger has appeared to be particularly strong in poor ethnic minority regions like Dagestan, a Muslim-majority region located on the shores of the Caspian Sea in the mountainous north Caucasus.
The independent OVD-Info protest monitoring group said at least 100 people were detained in the regional capital Makhachkala.
Dozens of videos posted on social media showed confrontations with police as protesters shouted “no to war!”
One video showed a group of women chasing away a police officer, while several clips showed violent clashes, including police sitting on protesters, as officers attempted to make detentions.