Metro Plus News Some Venezuelan couples separated

Some Venezuelan couples separated

A new U.S.-Mexico border policy geared at deterring Venezuelans fleeing hardship in their home country from entering the United States illegally has separated some families, migrants said on Friday, with several women known to have been sent back to Mexico as their husbands stayed on in the United States.
The separations of at least three married couples, as well as a mother returned without her 20-year-old son, occurred during some of the first expulsions of Venezuelans from the United States back to Mexico under the policy announced by officials from the two countries on Wednesday.
Under the policy, up to 24,000 Venezuelans may apply for humanitarian entry into the United States by air. U.S. authorities have said they will turn back Venezuelans who attempt to enter at the land border.
About 200 Venezuelans who had crossed by land into the United States were expelled on Thursday to Mexico’s Ciudad Juarez, according to the Jesuit Migrant Services rights group. U.S. officials told Reuters that 300 had been expelled border-wide from the United States the day before.