Metro Plus News Aid worker killed in air strike in Ethiopia’s Tigray region

Aid worker killed in air strike in Ethiopia’s Tigray region

An aid worker was among three people killed during an air strike on the town of Shire in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, the International Rescue
Committee said on Saturday.
The aid worker, who worked for IRC’s health and nutrition team, died of injuries sustained while delivering assistance to women and children on Friday, IRC said in a statement.
Another IRC staff member was injured in the attack, while two other civilians were killed and three wounded, the statement said.
The attack took place in a region where the Ethiopian government and its Eritrean allies have been battling Tigray forces on and off for two years.
Ethiopian government spokesperson Legesse Tulu, military spokesperson Colonel Getnet Adane and the prime minister’s spokesperson Billene Seyoum did not immediately respond to requests for comment about Friday’s incident.