Metro Plus News Japan Cabinet minister resigns over Unification Church ties

Japan Cabinet minister resigns over Unification Church ties

Japan’s economy minister submitted his resignation Monday over ties to the Unification Church after facing mounting criticism in a widening controversy involving dozens of governing party lawmakers.
Daishiro Yamagiwa’s resignation is a further blow to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government, which has been rocked by his party’s close ties to the controversial South Korean-based church following the assassination of former leader Shinzo Abe in July.
Kishida on Tuesday said he appointed former Health Minister Shigeyuki Goto to take Yamagiwa’s place as the economy minister.
Kishida said Goto is a veteran politician who is “highly capable of giving explanation” and has “passion” for economic and social reforms. Kishida said he expected him to play a central role in coordinating and achieving key policy goals, including a major economic package that Kishida plans to announce later this week. Goto’s appointment is to be official after a palace ceremony later Tuesday.
The Kishida government’s support ratings have nosedived over his handling of the scandal and for holding a highly unusual state funeral for Abe, one of Japan’s most divisive leaders who is now seen as a key link between the governing Liberal Democratic Party and the church.