Metro Plus News COP27 climate marchers demand justice despite protest restrictions

COP27 climate marchers demand justice despite protest restrictions

Climate campaign groups marched at the U.N. climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh on Saturday, calling for reparations for rising “loss and damage” caused by global warming, under the watchful eye of security staff who controlled the protest tightly.
The activists, including many Africans, insisted there could be “no climate justice without human rights” – and lamented that they had not been permitted to demonstrate outside the sprawling convention centre where the two-week talks are being held.
After marching down a road between two buildings packed with “pavilions” where countries and organisations are showcasing the measures they are taking to tackle climate change, about 600 protesters gathered in the desert sun for a rally.
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim, an environmental and indigenous rights activist from Chad who is also a U.N. climate “champion”, said her people were dying because of floods and droughts, while indigenous people in the Pacific were losing their homelands.