Metro Plus News Cuba welcomes 7th powership to its fleet in struggle to keep lights on

Cuba welcomes 7th powership to its fleet in struggle to keep lights on

Cuba welcomed on Tuesday a seventh floating power plant to its growing fleet of shipboard generators as the communist-run country seeks to bolster its
grid and bring relief to citizens who for months have suffered daily, hours-long blackouts.
The so-called powership, leased from Turkey-based Karadeniz Holding, is expected to feed an additional 110 megawatts of electricity into Cuba’s grid by month’s end, officials said, or about one-tenth the average daily generation shortfall.
The seven floating powerplants, which will generate a total of 400 megawatts, represent one part of an unorthodox and improvised strategy announced earlier this year to stem a growing energy crisis.
The cash-strapped government has said it also aims to purchase small diesel-fired, land-based generators to supplement the grid, and has announced plans to service its larger, though obsolete, Soviet-era fuel-fired power plants.