Metro Plus News Russia discussing ‘gas union’ with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Russia discussing ‘gas union’ with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Russia is discussing a possible “gas union” with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to support shipments between the three countries and to other energy buyers,
including China, the Interfax news agency quoted Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak as saying on Tuesday.
Novak provided no further details of what the gas union would entail or what stage the discussions were at.
Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s spokesman said on Tuesday Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed such an idea in a meeting with Tokayev on Monday. He also provided no details.
While Russia is a major natural gas exporter, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan produce roughly as much as they consume. The two countries are connected by a gas pipeline to Russia, and a separate pipeline crosses both on its way to China.