Metro Plus News German parliament set to label 1930s Ukraine famine genocide

German parliament set to label 1930s Ukraine famine genocide

Germany’s parliament is expected to approve a resolution Wednesday labeling as genocide Ukraine’s 1930s “Holodomor” – a famine believed to have killed more than 3 million Ukrainians under the repressive rule of Soviet leader Josef Stalin.
The resolution is being brought to the lower house, or Bundestag, by the three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s governing coalition and the main opposition bloc. It comes days after Ukrainians marked the 90th anniversary of the start of the famine.
The resolution states that “the mass deaths from hunger were not a result of failed harvests; the political leadership of the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin was responsible for them.” It adds that all things Ukrainian were “deeply suspect” to Stalin and notes that “the whole of Ukraine was affected by hunger and repression, not just its grain-producing areas.”
“From today’s perspective, a historical and political classification as genocide is obvious,” the resolution says. “The German Bundestag shares such a classification.”