Metro Plus News Bolsonaro supporters clash with police in Brazil’s capital

Bolsonaro supporters clash with police in Brazil’s capital

Supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro clashed with police Monday, setting fire to several vehicles and allegedly attempting to invade the federal police’s headquarters in capital city Brasilia.
Images of chaos as a small number of protesters, many wearing the yellow and green of Brazil’s flag that has come to symbolize Bolsonarismo, roamed the city, circulated on local television channels and social media.
Brasilia’s public security secretariat said in a statement that clashes broke out after police carried out an arrest warrant. Earlier that day, Supreme Court justice Alexandre de Moraes had ordered the temporary arrest of Jose Acacio Serere Xavante, suspected of participating in anti-democratic protests.
Since Bolsonaro lost re-election to da Silva on Oct. 30, many of his supporters have gathered outside military barracks across the country refusing to concede defeat and asking for the armed forces to intervene. Earlier Monday, the nation’s electoral authority awarded da Silva and his vice president an official certification, sealing their victory.
Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly claimed that the nation’s electronic voting system is prone to fraud and has not conceded defeat, told supporters Friday that his political future was in their hands.