Metro Plus News UK court to rule if deportation flights to Rwanda can restart

UK court to rule if deportation flights to Rwanda can restart

Judges at London’s High Court will rule on Monday whether the British government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is legal, as Prime Minister Rishi
Sunak stakes his future on stopping a record number of migrant arrivals in small boats.
Under a deal struck in April, Britain aims to send tens of thousands of migrants who arrive on its shores illegally more than 4,000 miles (6,400 km) to Rwanda.
The first planned deportation flight was blocked in June by a last-minute injunction from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the strategy’s lawfulness was subsequently challenged by a judicial review at London’s High Court.
A victory for the government on Monday will not mean that flights can take off straight away because there may be a further appeal in the British courts and the ECHR injunction imposed during the summer prevents any immediate deportations until the conclusion of legal action in the United Kingdom.