Metro Plus News Death toll rises to 19 from prison attack in Mexican border town

Death toll rises to 19 from prison attack in Mexican border town

An attack on a prison in the Mexican border town of Juarez left 19 dead and allowed a cartel kingpin to escape along with two dozen other prisoners, authorities said Monday.
An armed group, traveling in armored vehicles, launched almost-simultaneous attacks on the prison and the municipal police station, Defense Minister Luis Crescencio Sandoval said in a news conference.
Authorities said the Sunday morning attack had coincided with preparations for New Year’s Day visits. They initially said the death toll was at least 14, but by Monday, Sandoval said, this had risen to 19: 10 guards, seven prisoners and two attackers.
Federal authorities were called in to contain the unrest. They later found a “VIP zone” in the state-run prison with drugs and money, said Rodriguez, who slammed the Chihuahua state administration.