Metro Plus News U.N. flags east Congo rebels flouting ceasefire and withdrawal deal

U.N. flags east Congo rebels flouting ceasefire and withdrawal deal

United Nations intelligence analysts have spotted suspected movements by M23 rebels in parts of eastern Congo from which they were meant to have withdrawn and signs the armed group has seized ground in other areas, internal U.N. documents showed on Thursday.
The findings show there is continued uncertainty about both the exact status of the conflict in North Kivu province and the situation on the ground in the Kibumba area, which the rebels were meant to have left as of Dec. 23 as part of a ceasefire brokered by East African regional leaders.
“Their total withdrawal from the area has not yet been confirmed,” wrote the Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC), a U.N. intelligence unit, in a confidential report covering the period from Dec. 26 to Jan. 3, and seen by Reuters