Metro Plus News Amhara forces leave northern Ethiopia’s Tigray region,

Amhara forces leave northern Ethiopia’s Tigray region,

Forces from Ethiopia’s Amhara region, who fought in support of federal troops during the two-year war in neighbouring Tigray, have withdrawn in line with an Africa Union-backed ceasefire, the army said.
Ethiopia’s federal government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a guerrilla force-turned political party that dominates the region, agreed on Nov. 2 to stop fighting following talks.
Withdrawal of the Amhara forces is a key step toward implementing the truce, alongside the disarmament of Tigrayan forces, who began to hand over their heavy weapons on Wednesday.
The conflict, which broke out in November 2020 over disagreements between the Addis Ababa government and Tigrayan authorities, created famine-like conditions for hundreds of thousands, killed tens of thousands and displaced millions across northern Ethiopia.