Metro Plus News U.S. demands Sudan reverse ruling to free man convicted in envoy’s killing

U.S. demands Sudan reverse ruling to free man convicted in envoy’s killing

The United States on Thursday called on the Sudanese government to use all available legal means to reverse a decision this week to release a Sudanese man facing the death penalty in the killing of a U.S. diplomat in 2008.
Abdelraouf Abuzeid was found guilty, along with others, in the killing of American John Granville and a Sudanese colleague,who both worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development and were killed by gunmen in Khartoum.
“We call on the Sudanese government to exercise all available legal means to reverse this decision and to re-arrest Abuzeid,” State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters.
Officials met with the Sudanese ambassador to the United States on Thursday and the U.S. ambassador to Sudan, John Godfrey, is engaging Sudanese officials at the highest levels on the issue, Price said.