Metro Plus News At least 24 dead in Chile as wildfires spread, driving many to flee for safety

At least 24 dead in Chile as wildfires spread, driving many to flee for safety

Firefighters battled dozens of raging wildfires in Chile on Sunday, seeking to gain control of one of the country’s worst natural disasters in years as the
death toll rose to at least 24 with nearly 1,000 more injured.
International help began arriving on Sunday from a handful of countries that have pledged resources, including planes and expert firefighting teams, as the most intense wildfires torched forests and farmland clustered around three regions near the middle of the South American country’s long Pacific coastline.
President Gabriel Boric issued emergency declarations for the largely rural southern regions of Biobio, Nuble and Araucania in an effort to speed relief.
On Sunday, speaking from the city of Puren in Araucania, Boric stressed that his government would provide all necessary resources, while he also sought to inspire solidarity in the face of the deadly wildfires.