Metro Plus News Tens of thousands take to streets of Israel opposing proposed judicial overhaul

Tens of thousands take to streets of Israel opposing proposed judicial overhaul

Tens of thousands of Israelis took to the streets on Saturday for a fifth week of protests against judicial overhaul plans by Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu’s new government which critics say threaten democratic checks on ministers by the courts.
The plans, which the government says are needed to curb overreach by judges, have drawn fierce opposition from groups including lawyers, and raised concerns among business leaders, widening already deep political divisions in Israeli society.
“We (are) …here in order to demonstrate against the government of Israel under Netanyahu, which in our belief is against democracy and are going to do anything they can in order to take out democracy of Israel,” said Illan Bendori, 70, at a protest in Tel Aviv.
Netanyahu has dismissed the protests as a refusal by leftist opponents to accept the results of last November’s election, which produced one of the most right-wing governments in Israel’s history.