Metro Plus News No U.N. vote Monday on Israel settlements, diplomats say

No U.N. vote Monday on Israel settlements, diplomats say

The United Arab Emirates told the U.N. Security Council that it will not call a vote on Monday on a draft resolution demanding Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory,” according to a note seen by Reuters.
The UAE told council counterparts in the note sent on Sunday that it will now work on drafting a formal statement – known as a presidential statement (PRST) – which the 15-member council has to agree by consensus.
“Given the positive talks between the parties, we are now working on a draft PRST which would garner consensus,” the note said. “Accordingly, there will not be a vote on the draft resolution on Monday. Much of the language of the PRST will be drawn from the draft resolution.”
The United States on Thursday voiced deep dismay at Israel’s decision to expand Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territory and also described as “unhelpful” a push for the UN Security Council to denounce the move.