Metro Plus News 2 Pakistanis reach home after being freed from Guantanamo

2 Pakistanis reach home after being freed from Guantanamo

Two Pakistani brothers held by the United States at Guantanamo Bay military prison for two decades were freed by U.S. officials and returned home on Friday.
According to security officials and a Pakistani senator, they will be reunited with their families after a formal questioning by Pakistani authorities.
Pakistan arrested Abdul and Mohammed Rabbani on suspicion of their links to al-Qaida in 2002 in Karachi, the country’s largest southern port city. It was the same year Ramzi Binalshibh, a top al-Qaida leader, was arrested by Pakistan’s spy agency on a tip from the CIA.
The releases come months after a 75-year-old Pakistani, Saifullah Paracha, was freed from the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
The two brothers arrived at an airport in the capital, Islamabad on Friday. Pakistani Sen. Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, the chairman of the human rights committee in the upper house of Pakistan’s Parliament, tweeted Friday that the two brothers had reached Islamabad airport.