Metro Plus News Nigeria voters still lining up after voting was due to close

Nigeria voters still lining up after voting was due to close

People were still lined up nearly two hours after voting was supposed to close in Nigeria during the country’s presidential and parliamentary election on Saturday, which opened with large delays.
Thousands remained in line at polling stations waiting to cast ballots and sparking frustration.
The elections come amid fears of violence, from Islamic militants in the north to separatists in the south, though officials didn’t postpone the vote as the last two presidential elections were. While voting was largely peaceful Saturday, gunmen stole ballot boxes across the country.
Associated Press reporters saw armed men pull up to the voting station in a minibus, fire shots in the air and snatch the presidential ballot box at a polling booth in Lagos, which is Nigeria’s commercial hub. The shots sent voters screaming and scattering for cover, and ballots strewn across the floor.
In the northeast state of Borno, at least five people including children, were injured when Boko Haram extremists attacked voters in Gwoza town, local authorities said.