Metro Plus News UK’s Sunak wants Northern Ireland deal to ‘get the job done’ on Brexit

UK’s Sunak wants Northern Ireland deal to ‘get the job done’ on Brexit

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he was “giving it everything” to strike a new post-Brexit deal with the European Union on Northern Ireland’s trade arrangements, calling it vital to ensuring a return to power-sharing in the province.
“There’s unfinished business on Brexit and I want to get the job done,” Sunak told The Sunday Times newspaper, which said the announcement of a deal was expected as soon as Monday.
That is when lawmakers in Sunak’s Conservative Party have been told to be in parliament.
As part of its 2020 agreement for leaving the EU, Britain reached an accord with Brussels known as the Northern Ireland Protocol to avoid imposing politically contentious checks along the 500 kilometre (300 mile) land border with EU member Ireland.
But the protocol effectively created a border in the Irish Sea for some goods moving from Britain because it kept Northern Ireland in the European Union’s single market for goods.