Metro Plus News Climate activists target art work near German parliament

Climate activists target art work near German parliament

Climate activists on Saturday splashed a dark liquid over an artwork near the German parliament building engraved with key articles from the country’s constitution, drawing condemnation from the speaker of parliament and other lawmakers.
The Last Generation group said supporters symbolically “soaked in ‘oil’” the outdoor installation – a series of glass plates on which 19 articles from the German Constitution setting out fundamental rights are engraved. They pasted posters over the work that read, “Oil or fundamental rights?”
The group said in a statement that “the German government is not protecting our fundamental rights” and argued that continuing to burn oil is incompatible with doing so.

Supreme Court extends access to abortion pill to FridaySupreme Court extends access to abortion pill to Friday

The Supreme Court is leaving women’s access to a widely used <a href=”″>abortion pill</a> untouched until at least Friday, while the justices consider whether to allow <a href=””>restrictions</a> on the