Metro Plus News 5 dead, 3 wounded in attack on Nicaraguan indigenous group

5 dead, 3 wounded in attack on Nicaraguan indigenous group

Local authorities said Monday that at least five members of a Nicaraguan indigenous group were killed and three others wounded in an attack by suspected settlers over the weekend.
Amaru Ruiz, director of the Del Rio Foundation, said some of the victims’ bodies were mutilated.
Ruiz said the attackers burned 16 houses in the community of Wilu, in northern Nicaragua, on Saturday. The victims belonged to the indigenous Mayangna group.
“There has been yet another massacre,” said Ruiz, who believes settlers were responsible.
The killings mark the latest chapter in a years-long string of attacks on indigenous people in the area by settlers eager to claim their land. Such killings often go unpunished in Nicaragua, where many of the settlers are former soldiers.