Metro Plus News India cancels licences of some drug firms in crackdown on fake products

India cancels licences of some drug firms in crackdown on fake products

Indian authorities have cancelled or suspended licences of some domestic drug companies as part of action taken against 76 pharmaceutical firms this month for selling adulterated or fake products, a government source said on Thursday.
India is known as the ‘pharmacy of the world’ and its pharmaceuticals exports have more than doubled over the past decade to $24.5 billion in 2021-22.
But that image has been dented by the death of at least 70 children in Gambia and 19 children in Uzbekistan last year linked to drugs made by India-based pharmaceutical companies.
Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya confirmed a crackdown but did not give details of companies against which action had been taken.

Aretha Franklin’s sons battle over handwritten wills 5 years after her deathAretha Franklin’s sons battle over handwritten wills 5 years after her death

Five years after <a href=”″ >her death</a>, the final wishes of music superstar Aretha Franklin are still unsettled. An unusual trial begins next Monday to determine which of two handwritten