Metro Plus News Russia protests about ‘provocative actions’ by U.S. forces in Syria

Russia protests about ‘provocative actions’ by U.S. forces in Syria

Russia has protested to the American-led coalition against the Islamic State militant group about “provocative actions” by U.S. armed forces in Syria, Tass
news agency said on Friday.
Tass cited a senior Russian official as saying the incidents had occurred in the northeastern province of Hasakeh. The United States has been deploying troops in Syria for almost eight years to combat ISIS.
Hundreds of ISIS fighters are camped in desolate areas where neither the coalition nor the Syrian army exert full control. Russia – which together with Turkey is carrying out joint patrols in northern Syria – has agreed special zones where the coalition can operate.
But Russian Rear Admiral Oleg Gurinov, head of the Russian Reconciliation Centre for Syria, told Tass that U.S. forces had twice been spotted in areas which lay outside the agreed zones.