Metro Plus News China urges stronger WTO monitoring of US-led chip export curbs

China urges stronger WTO monitoring of US-led chip export curbs

China has urged the World Trade Organization to scrutinise US-led technology export restrictions aimed at curbing its ability to make advanced chips, state television said on Wednesday.
Chinese representatives told a WTO meeting this week that Japan, the Netherlands and the United States should report their plans and subsequent measures to the body, which it urged to step up supervision on the matter, broadcaster CCTV said.
A Geneva-based trade official confirmed that China raised the issue and asked the WTO to strengthen its monitoring of the measures during a tense two-day meeting of its Council for Trade in Goods.
The US has previously said its actions relate to national security grounds and should not be subject to review by the WTO.
Last week, without specifying China as the target, Japan said it would restrict export of 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, a move in line with Washington’s curbs announced last October.