Metro Plus News Pakistani police say 2 blasts at facility in NW kill 12

Pakistani police say 2 blasts at facility in NW kill 12

Two explosions Monday at a counterterrorism police facility in northwest Pakistan killed at least 12 people and wounded at least 50, police said.
Senior police officer Ataullah Khan said an initial blast at the facility in the Swat Valley district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was followed by a larger, more intense one.
Associated Press images from the blast scene showed destroyed cars and downed trees, and at a local hospital bloodied victims being carried inside on stretchers.
No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack but the Pakistani Taliban have claimed similar attacks since ending a cease-fire with the government last year.
The explosions came hours after police said a counterterror operation in the province’s Lakki Marwat district took place in which three militants and one police officer were killed. It was not immediately clear if the attacks were related.