Metro Plus News G7 should adopt ‘risk-based’ AI regulation, ministers say

G7 should adopt ‘risk-based’ AI regulation, ministers say

Group of Seven advanced nations should adopt “risk-based” regulation on artificial intelligence, their digital ministers agreed on Sunday, as European lawmakers hurry to introduce an AI Act to enforce rules on emerging tools such as ChatGPT.
But such regulation should also “preserve an open and enabling environment” for the development of AI technologies and be based on democratic values, G7 ministers said in a joint statement issued at the end of a two-day meeting in Japan.
While the ministers recognised that “policy instruments to achieve the common vision and goal of trustworthy AI may vary across G7 members”, the agreement sets a landmark for how major countries govern AI amid privacy concerns and security risks.
“The conclusions of this G7 meeting show that we are definitely not alone in this,” European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager told Reuters ahead of the agreement.
Governments have especially paid attention to the popularity of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by Microsoft Corp-backed OpenAI that has become the fastest-growing app in history since its November launch.