Metro Plus News Moscow to hold Russia-China security talks on Monday

Moscow to hold Russia-China security talks on Monday

The head of Russia’s Security Council
Nikolai Patrushev will hold talks on Monday with Chen Wenqing,
member of the Chinese Communist Party’s Politburo who oversees
police, legal affairs and intelligence, the Russian RIA state
news reported.
This would be Patrushev’s first meeting with Chen Wenqing,
RIA reported. In October, Chen Wenqing was named the party
secretary of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission,
China’s top security post with oversight of the police, judges
and spies.
Patrushev, a former chief of the FSB internal security
service, is widely seen as one of the most hawkish members of
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle.
While the bilateral security talks are an annual event,
Russia and China have moved to further strengthen their
economic, political and military ties since Moscow sent tens of
thousands of troops into Ukraine in February 2022.