Metro Plus News New Greek parliament convenes, only to be dissolved as early as Monday

New Greek parliament convenes, only to be dissolved as early as Monday

Newly elected Greek lawmakers were sworn in Sunday but the Parliament in which they sit may be dissolved as early as Monday, ahead of fresh elections on June 25.
No party achieved an overall majority in the election on May 21, which was held under simple proportional representation.
The ruling New Democracy, with 40.79% of the vote, won 146 seats, five short of an overall majority in the 300-member chamber. The main opposition Syriza, with 20.07% – almost 11.5 points lower than in the previous election – won 71. The socialist PASOK was third.
There was no attempt to form a coalition and the leaders of the three main parties returned their mandates to form a government almost as soon as they got them.