Metro Plus News New anti-terror law should convince Turkey to back NATO bid

New anti-terror law should convince Turkey to back NATO bid

New anti-terrorism legislation which comes into force this week should pave the way for Sweden to join NATO in coming weeks and overcome a Turkish veto, Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom said on Wednesday.
Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. While Finland joined the military alliance in April, Sweden’s bid has been held up by Turkey despite a deal struck in Madrid last year to meet its security concerns.
“This new legislation will close a loophole in our already existing anti-terrorist legislation,” Billstrom told reporters in Lulea, northern Sweden. “Sweden has not previously prohibited participation in a terrorist organisation. We will do this now.”
Turkey says Sweden harbours members of militant groups it considers to be terrorists.
The new legislation, which Billstrom said completed Sweden’s commitments made in Madrid, will make it illegal to arrange meetings or provide logistical or financial help or even food to outlawed groups.