Metro Plus News U.S. troops guard town hall in Northern Kosovo

U.S. troops guard town hall in Northern Kosovo

U.S. peacekeepers stood behind a barbed-wire barrier as protestors gathered outside a municipal hall in ethnically divided northern Kosovo, where days of unrest have prompted NATO to send additional troops to stave off violence.
Following clashes on Monday in Zvecan, another northern town, during which 30 troops and 52 protesters were hurt, NATO said it would send 700 more troops to Kosovo to boost its 4,000-strong mission. It was not clear when the soldiers would arrive.
Polish soldiers stood guard at the town hall in Zvecan on Wednesday, as demonstrators on the other side of the fence unfurled a large Serbian flag to applause and whistles.
Regional unrest has intensified following April elections that the Serbs boycotted, narrowing the turnout to 3.5% and leaving victory in four Serb-majority Kosovan mayoralties to ethnic Albanian candidates.
Those Albanian mayors were then installed last week, a decision that spurred rebuke of Pristina by the U.S. and its allies on Friday.