Metro Plus News Indonesia set to deport Australian surfer jailed for drunken rampage

Indonesia set to deport Australian surfer jailed for drunken rampage

An Australian surfer who was jailed for attacking several people while drunk and naked in Indonesia’s deeply conservative Muslim province of Aceh was set to be deported Saturday evening to his country after he agreed to apologize and pay compensation.
Bodhi Mani Risby-Jones, 23, from Queensland, was detained in late April on Simeulue Island, a surf resort in West Aceh regency, after police accused him of going on a drunken rampage that left a fisherman with serious injuries.
Risby-Jones was released from prison on Tuesday after he went through a restorative justice process and apologized for the attack and agreed to pay compensation to the fisherman’s family. That allowed him to avoid going to court and facing a possible charge of assault that could have landed him up to five years in prison.