Metro Plus News Three die, farmland and trees damaged as storms sweep across China

Three die, farmland and trees damaged as storms sweep across China

Severe hailstorms lashed a city in northeastern China on Saturday, affecting some 7,000 hectares (17,000 acres) of farmland and causing an estimated loss of 200 million yuan ($28 million).
The Liaoning Meteorological Service Centre said, hailstones swept Wafangdian in the northeastern province of Liaoning, CCTV reported. A village on its outskirts received 48.1 millimetres (1.8 inches) of rainfall in one hour, the highest across the province.
Heavy rains have battered crops in central China’s Henan province in recent days, where about one-third of the country’s wheat is grown. These losses may lead to rising grain imports into the world’s biggest wheat consumer.
On Friday, heavy rain hit parts of southwest China, including Guangxi, engulfing roads and partially submerging buildings.