Metro Plus News Mexico City mayor resigns in bid to become country’s first female president

Mexico City mayor resigns in bid to become country’s first female president

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said on Monday she will step down this Friday to seek the ruling party’s presidential nomination, bidding to become the country’s first female leader in an election due to be held next year.
President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s leftist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) said on Sunday it would on Sept. 6 announce the winning candidate from its internal selection process. Sheinbaum is one of the favorites.
Most opinion polls have tended to give Sheinbaum a slight advantage in the race for the nomination over her rival Marcelo Ebrard, who said he was standing down as foreign minister earlier on Monday to compete in the contest.
MORENA is heavily favored to win the June 2024 presidential election, lifted by Lopez Obrador’s personal popularity.