Metro Plus News Israeli protests reignite as Netanyahu pushes new justice bill

Israeli protests reignite as Netanyahu pushes new justice bill

Israel’s business hub Tel Aviv saw the biggest anti-government protest in weeks on Saturday against a renewed push by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right coalition to overhaul the justice system.
Tens of thousands demonstrated across the country, with the rally in Tel Aviv drawing crowds far larger than recent protests, news channels N12 News and Channel 13 reported.
Nationwide demonstrations began in January when the government announced a plan to overhaul the judiciary with a legislation package that would roll back some Supreme Court powers and give the coalition decisive sway in picking judges.
The protests subsided a little from late March when Netanyahu, under pressure at home and abroad, suspended the plan for compromise talks with opposition parties meant to reach broad agreement over justice reforms.
But, deeming the talks pointless last month, Netanyahu re-launched his government’s quest to rein in what it sees as an overreaching, left-leaning and elitist Supreme Court, though he has said the new proposals are more moderate.