Metro Plus News Situation in Sudan ‘spiralling out of control’ after four months of vilolence

Situation in Sudan ‘spiralling out of control’ after four months of vilolence

Millions of people are running out of food in Sudan and some are dying due to lack of healthcare after four months of war that have devastated the capital Khartoum and sparked ethnically-driven attacks in Darfur, the United Nations warned on Tuesday.
The conflict between Sudan’s army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erupted on April 15 over tensions linked to a planned transition to civilian rule, plunging the country into violence and threatening to destablise the region.
More than four million people have been displaced, including nearly one million who have fled to neighbouring countries. Civilians in war-affected states have been killed in attacks.
The millions who remain in Khartoum and cities in the Darfur and Kordofan regions have faced rampant looting and long power, communications and water cuts.