Metro Plus News Vanuatu prime minister to face no confidence vote in parliament

Vanuatu prime minister to face no confidence vote in parliament

Vanuatu Prime Minister Ishmael Kalsakau faces a no-confidence vote in parliament on Wednesday, after the opposition accused his government of abandoning a non-aligned foreign policy by signing a security pact with Australia.
Vanuatu, at the centre of a strategic rivalry between China and Western countries in the Pacific Islands, was plunged into political crisis after opposition leader Bob Loughman lodged the no-confidence petition, which also criticised the government for raising the minimum wage.
The petition, lodged a fortnight ago, was signed by 29 lawmakers, enough to topple the prime minister.
Loughman drew Vanuatu closer to China as the previous prime minister. His government lost a snap national election in 2022.
In addition to domestic issues, he has criticised the security pact with Australia, saying it compromises Vanuatu’s “neutral” status and could risk development assistance from other partners.