Metro Plus News Suspected Palestinian gunman kills an Israeli, wounds another in latest attack

Suspected Palestinian gunman kills an Israeli, wounds another in latest attack

A suspected Palestinian attacker killed an Israeli woman and seriously wounded a man in the south of the occupied West Bank on Monday, Israeli authorities said, as violence continued to flare in the restive territory shortly after another shooting killed two Israelis.
The latest attack is part of a sharp escalation in the region in recent months involving Palestinian militants, Israeli security forces and radical Jewish settlers. It took place as Israeli forces were already on high alert and searching for the gunman who had killed the two Israelis in the northern West Bank on Saturday.
The combustible mix of armed Palestinians carrying out shooting attacks against Israelis as well as near-nightly – and often deadly – raids by the Israeli army to arrest militants has fueled the worst fighting between Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank in nearly two decades.