Metro Plus News China calls for lifting of unilateral sanctions to improve humanitarian work

China calls for lifting of unilateral sanctions to improve humanitarian work

A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the lifting of illegal unilateral sanctions so as to improve international humanitarian work.
It is worth noting that illegal unilateral sanctions severely affect the ability of the public sector of the countries concerned to provide basic services such as education and food supply, and interfere with the private sector’s regular activities in trade, investment, and business operation, and as such have become the biggest obstacle to public-private humanitarian cooperation, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations.
“The international community should jointly urge relevant countries to immediately lift unilateral sanctions, eliminate their negative effects, and create favorable conditions for international humanitarian actions,” he told a Security Council open debate on advancing public-private humanitarian partnership.
The humanitarian cause, as a common endeavor of all humankind, can build the greatest consensus across different civilizations. The international community should practice true multilateralism, promote international humanitarianism, unite all actors, including the public and private sectors and civil society, step up investment, jointly tackle challenges, and continuously improve the humanitarian situation in relevant countries and regions, he said.