Metro Plus News ICRC combs streets of ‘deserted’ Karabakh capital for stranded residents

ICRC combs streets of ‘deserted’ Karabakh capital for stranded residents

Only a few hundred people remain behind in the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, including the sick, disabled and elderly, an International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC) official said on Tuesday, describing the empty streets as “surreal”.
Azerbaijani forces took control of the enclave on its territory populated by ethnic Armenians, triggering an exodus of more than 100,000 Armenians.
“The city is now completely deserted,” said ICRC team lead Marco Succi via videolink from the Karabakh capital, known as Stepanakert by Armenia and Khankendi by Azerbaijan.
“The hospitals….are not functioning; the medical personnel left; the water board authorities left; the director of the morgue also left. So this scenario, the scene is quite surreal.”