Metro Plus News 3 scientists win Nobel Prize in physics for work on electrons in atoms during

3 scientists win Nobel Prize in physics for work on electrons in atoms during

Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in physics for their work on how electrons move around the atom during the tiniest fractions of seconds, a field that could one day lead to better electronics or disease diagnoses.
Pierre Agostini of The Ohio State University in the U.S.; Ferenc Krausz of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany; and Anne L’Huillier of Lund University in Sweden won the award</a>.
Their experiments “have given humanity new tools for exploring the world of electrons inside atoms and molecules,” according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which announced the prize in Stockholm.
They “have demonstrated a way to create extremely short pulses of light that can be used to measure the rapid processes in which electrons move or change energy.”
At the moment, this science is about understanding our universe, but the hope is that it will eventually have many practical applications.