Metro Plus News Australia Indigenous referendum opposition led by older, rural voters

Australia Indigenous referendum opposition led by older, rural voters

An Australian constitutional referendum on Indigenous recognition is on track to be defeated amid strong opposition from older voters and those living outside cities.
Early voting on whether to recognise Indigenous Australians in the constitution and create a “Voice to Parliament” to give them an avenue to advise the government on matters affecting First Nations Australians began on Monday.
According to a YouGov poll of 1,563 voters published on Wednesday, however, with less than two weeks to go before polls close on Oct. 14, those opposed to the proposal lead the yes camp by 53% to 38%. Some 9% of those polled were undecided.
The YouGov poll found, opposition is strongest among those in rural areas or on the outskirts of cities, where almost two-thirds of voters disapprove of the amendment.
The poll also found, more than two-thirds of those aged 65 and over were against the amendment, with no leading yes 68% to 24%.