Metro Plus News Niger’s junta says jihadis kill 29 soldiers as attacks ramp up

Niger’s junta says jihadis kill 29 soldiers as attacks ramp up

At least 29 Nigerien soldiers have been killed by jihadis near the country’s border with Mali, Niger’s junta said, as they struggle to end a spate of attacks.
More than 100 extremists used homemade explosives to target the West African nation’s security forces who were deployed at the border area on a clearance operation..
It’s the second such attack against Nigerien soldiers in a week.
During the month after Niger’s military seized power, violence primarily linked to extremists soared by more than 40%, according to the Armed Conflict Location &; Event Data Project.
Jihadi attacks targeting civilians quadrupled in August compared with the month before, and attacks against security forces spiked in the Tillaberi region, killing at least 40 soldiers, the project reported.