Metro Plus News Egypt opposition say they face foul play ove

Egypt opposition say they face foul play ove

Egyptian opposition parties said on Wednesday that people trying to endorse candidates hoping to stand against President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in an election in December had been repeatedly obstructed from doing so.
Potential candidates must secure backing of at least 25,000 members of the public from 15 different governorates, or 20 members of parliament, and register their candidacy by Oct. 14 for the Dec. 10-12 presidential poll.
But those trying to submit endorsements for candidates other than Sisi had found public notary offices inaccessible and protected by pro-government activists or thugs, said members of the Civil Democratic Movement (CDM), which groups together some of Egypt’s fragmented opposition.
Egypt’s National Election Authority said it has investigated complaints and that such allegations are baseless. It says it has instructed notary offices to extend their hours to allow people to register.